Book your trip and make PARIS feel like home !


WORK TIME :   24h/24
Monday to Sunday
Paris, France
CONTACT : +33 660 287 384




DisneyLand (round trip)


Number of passengers : 4 to 7 passengers
Duration : 4 hours / Between 08:00 to 18:00
Open : Everyday except on Mondays
Pickup and Drop-Off : Any hotel inside Paris

Louis XIV the Sun King is the creative force of Versailles. He turned it into a sumptuous estate and the symbol of absolute monarchy in the 17th century.

Louis Le Vau and then Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Charles Lebrun are the main architects both Versailles and the Grand Trianon and André Le Notre for the gardens.

You will visit the State Apartments with its 8 rooms, the Hall of Mirrors, the King and Queens’ apartments and since July 2006 some new rooms recently renovated, the Royal Chapel and the Royal Opera.

Beyond the chateau, stretch the gardens and the park. At the foot of the chateau, Le Nôtre created the parterres, designed to be viewed from the terraces. You will see the Grand Perspective which draws the eye to the horizon with its Latona and Apollo fountains.

You will stroll to the north and south parterres full of flowers. You will see the various groves in the gardens : the Baldroom and the Colonnade, the Enceladus and many others, admire the water jets around the fountains, explore the groves while enjoying live music concert from Lully the most famous Versailles musical composer from the 17th century.
